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Warranty scheme
Warranty arranged | STO Garan
In order to comply with the legally required guarantee, reisbureaumarrakech uses STO Garant, a guarantee scheme recognised by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). You can check this via the STO Garant participants page ( www.sto-garant.nl/deelnemers ). All information about STO Garant can be found at www.sto-garant.nl .
For each (travel) offer from reisbureaumarrakech on this website, you can read whether the STO Garant guarantee applies. In the guarantee scheme, you can read what the guarantee entails and which conditions apply. You can find this guarantee scheme on the STO Garant website ( www.sto-garant.nl/downloads ).
The operation
If the STO Garant guarantee applies to your booking, you will not pay the travel sum to reisbureaumarrakech, but to the escrow account of Stichting Derdengelden Certo Escrow, a payment service provider registered with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). This escrow foundation guarantees your travel sum until after your booking has ended. The day after the end of your booking, the travel sum will be released to reisbureaumarrakech. If reisbureaumarrakech becomes financially insolvent before the end of your booking, STO Garant will implement the guarantee. The guarantee scheme explains how to claim this in that case.